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The Best Recruitment Agencies Are Good at Communication and ...

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By: Alison Withers

Copyright (c) 2012 Alison Withers

Expectations and managing them are the keys to a successful recruitment agency whether it is the clients' expectations or those of the candidates seeking work.

Thorough research, regular communication and good people skills help the agency's consultants to ensure the best possible fit between the clients' needs and the candidates that are recommended to them for interview.

For the candidates looking for a role as an executive PA or EA, it may be wise to do some research before choosing an agency with which to register and the obvious place to start is with the website, where there should be a regularly updated vacancies page, testimonials from both clients and candidates and some explanation of its approach to both.

A specialist recruitment agency will want to conduct a thorough interview with a prospective candidate before agreeing to take them on. This may seem daunting but it is in the candidate's interests to allow the agency to verify that they are the right kind of person for its client base, with the right attitudes, appearance and communication skills as well as a CV that demonstrates the appropriate qualifications.

The interview is not only for vetting the candidate. It is a cvhance to get to know them too and for the candidate to ask questions and reassure themselves that the consultant has actually listened to them, understands their personality and needs and will keep them informed regularly about opportunities.

The clients as potential employers will also need the reassurance and confidence that its consultants have a thorough understanding their company's requirements, not only for filling a particular vacancy but also about the company's corporate culture, its spheres of operation and any special values that are particularly important.

Regular updates and communication with clients are as important for creating a good relationship with clients as they are with candidates. It is worth a consultant visiting the company in person to understand how its environment and how it operates and to get to know the people in its HR team and the managers with whom a candidate will be working directly.

Follow-up and keeping in touch are important to everyone involved. An agency that takes the trouble to carry out post-placement debriefs with both client and candidate will be in a good position to keep the loyalty of both.

A follow-up debriefing will also enable the agency to refine its services particularly to clients so that any problems can be ironed out but also to establish any features of the agency's services that clients have particularly appreciated.

Clear and transparent billing and payment procedures with no hidden extras and a clear understanding of employment legislation will also help to demonstrate the agency's competence.

However, most important of all is that the consultants have good communication and people skills and demonstrate the attention to detail that is shown by a willingness to learn and improve the agency's service.

Author Resource:->??Establishing a top recruitment agency providing an excellent service for both clients and candidates requires attention to detail, good communication and meticulous research. By Ali Withers.

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