রবিবার, ২৭ মে, ২০১২

Searching for Partners


I'm a long time roleplayer (about 10 years on and off), and I've been actively maintaining a few roleplays via e-mail for several years. Unfortunately, all but one has died, and I like to keep 2-3 roleplays going at a time to keep my creative juices flowing. I'm a 21 year old female college student. I play sports and stay on top of my studies, but unfortunately, business majors don't have a whole lot of time to write creatively, and this is my outlet. (Just for a little bit of background on me).

I am relatively active, fortunately I work from home, so I can reply while working, and I'm only taking a few courses over the summer. Needless to say, I need entertained! Most of my friends are interning away for the summer, and my internship happened to be from the comfort of my home office. But, I'm looking for a long term, committed partner. If we are going to go through the troubles of starting up a roleplay, I want it to stick for a while. So if it only mildly interests you/ you plan on not contributing, please don't bother inquiring.

Some quick things
1. Please, please, please be over the age of 18. Being 21 myself, I feel awkward roleplaying with anyone that is my younger brother's age.
2. Tell me your limits. I have none, and I will assume you don't either, unless otherwise stated.
3. I'd prefer this take place over e-mail as I am frequently traveling and reply from my phone. If that is not possible, then it will take place on this board. Either PM or a thread, at your discretion.
4. Please be active. A post or two a day would be nice. You can expect at least 3 out of me a day, depending on the day.
5. Be creative, be willing to contribute to the plot and direct your own character. I can't stand piolting and entire RP by myself. Also, you should be able to post about 3 well thought out paragraphs (proper spelling and grammar most of the time would be appreciated).
6. Holler and let me know if you're going to be out of town/want to quit the roleplay at anytime. I don't like being abandoned.
7. If we set up a 'plot', I don't intend on us following it strictly. I use plots as a very VERY loose guideline for the roleplay, but I just sort of let it take it's natural course. Personally, I know I don't 'control' my characters, they sort of control me.
8. Character profiles are fine, or we can skip them. That will be up to us when we discuss further.
9. Be willing to play both male and female characters. I frequently introduce characters throughout the roleplay, and I can easily play both genders (both as primary and secondary characters). If you're only willing to play female or male, I probably won't roleplay with you. And with that said, I like to play characters in their early to late twenties. Please no highschool roleplays.
10. HAVE FUN! Talk to me OOC, or whatever else. I promise I'm nice. And rules are no fun :)

Loose Based Plot Ideas
1. He's lost his fiance, his highschool sweetheart, the most beautiful woman he ever laid eyes on. He's broken, he's devastated and can't bring himself to do much beyond his daily routine of working as a marketing director. That's when he's paired up with her,to conduct a research project, the girl that over time is going to flip his world upside down. But are they really that good for each other? She's snarky and witty, and he's sarcastic and slightly off-putting. When they're good, they're great, but when they're off..well, they fight like hell. (I'm willing to play either character.)
2. College should be the time of your life, no? Well it isn't for Kailyn Evans*. She studies too hard, she's at school on an academic scholarship and she works a full time job just to support her cost of living. She's maintaining a 4.0 at one of the most prestigious universities in the nation; Cornell. He's there because his parents are incredibly rich and have paid his way through...everything. He's there for the party and the girls, not for the education. Then he meets Kailyn, at first, getting the uptight girl to let her hair down seems like a fun game to him, but then, they begin to fall for each other. Her grades begin to slip and a relationship starts to over power everything. Will she be what's good for him? Or will he be the complete demise of Kailyn? (I'd prefer to play Kailyn, simply because she's a brainchild of mine).

Both plots are obviously very loose, I don't intend on us following it exactly. In fact, lets have fun with it! Also, I would LOVE to hear your ideas. (realistic only, please. The world is not ready to see my supernatural writing.) So please, post here or contact me via PM and we will discuss further.

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