মঙ্গলবার, ১৯ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৩

?Titanic? Fans Eager for Romance Aboard Made-in-China Replica

Chinese lovers of the movie ?Titanic? will soon have the chance to set sail on a journey imitating that of the ill-fated ship, but with one twist: The ship will be made in China. And while some microbloggers are reacting to the prospect with jeers, many are eager to embrace the opportunity, said Australian billionaire Clive Palmer, who is financing the construction of a Titanic replica, named Titanic II.

So far, Mr. Palmer said, 40,000 people have expressed interest in riding the Titanic II, with fully 35% of inquiries coming from China. Though ticket prices haven?t been set, several customers have said they?d be willing to pay as much as $1 million for a seat on the maiden voyage, said James McDonald of Blue Star Line, the company behind the initiative. The ship is slated to set sail in 2016 from Southampton to New York City.

?I greatly admire the Chinese people,? Mr. Palmer told China Real Time this weekend, citing his decision to turn to state-owned enterprise CSC Jinling Shipyard for the Titanic II?s construction.

At a gala in Macau to promote the voyage Saturday, some 600 guests dressed in furs and tuxedos dined on an eleven-course meal intended to replicate the sort of food eaten by first-class passengers aboard the Titanic the night the ship sank, including foie gras and lamb with mashed peas. They were also regaled with a recorded appearance by Mr. Palmer, who mused on why he was inspired to rebuild the ship that infamously sank in 1912 after hitting an iceberg and killing some 1,500 passengers.

?Why build the Titanic? Why go to the moon? Why did Hong Kong and Macau stand up and become part of China?? said Mr. Palmer. ?Because they could. And they can. And we can build the Titanic.?

The effort to market the Titanic trades heavily on James Cameron?s Academy Award-winning 1997 blockbuster, one of the world?s highest-grossing films. Such is the ardor it inspires among mainland Chinese fans that Celine Dion was invited this year to sing ?My Heart Will Go On??the film?s theme song?at the country?s annual Lunar New Year gala, which is televised by CCTV and typically attracts some 700 million viewers. Last year, its 3D re-release racked up $67 million during its first weekend opening in China.

At this weekend?s Macau event, outside the venue, guests were invited to pose like Titanic?s Jack and Rose?the film?s doomed lovers?in front of several flood-lit poster cut-outs of the Titanic?s prow. Over the course of the meal, guests listened to multiple live renditions of ?My Heart Will Go On,? while a promotional film promised would-be passengers that riding the Titanic II would be just like stepping into the movie.

The message struck a chord with many. ?I first saw Titanic in high school and thought it was so romantic,? said Jessica Huang, who flew down from Shanghai to attend the dinner. ?I?d like to sail on the Titanic when I can with my husband, but I wouldn?t want us to be like Rose and Jack,? said Ms. Huang.

Online, a number of microbloggers were more skeptical about the decision to build the Titanic II in China. ?They?ve really got guts. You see how many collapsing bridges there are in China, and how much ?tofu-style? construction there is, and they still dare to do it,? wrote one user.

?Titanic II is being built by a Chinese shipyard!! How stupid. Do you want to re-enact the original ending?? wrote another.

Others, though, were thrilled at the prospect of sailing in 2016. ?After it?s built, I won?t spare any expense to go ride it and encounter my Jack! Then, I can let him take me to the prow of ship and fly! Jack, wait for me three years!? wrote one.

Biao Ge, director of CSC Jinling Shipyard, said that building the Titanic II would help the company boost its profile and help challenge the dominance of European luxury cruise ship makers.

While at first glance plans to rebuild the Titanic might seem like a billionaire?s whim, Blue Line representatives?who declined to discuss how much the project would cost?said the effort would ultimately turn a profit. In addition to fares sold to the 2,400 passengers the ship can accommodate, companies can also pay to have their logos emblazoned on one of the flags that will fly from its three masts. Logo space can also be purchased on the print-outs of photos guests will be encouraged to take at the ship?s prow, posing with their arms in the air like Jack and Rose.

? Te-Ping Chen. Follow her on Twitter @tepingchen.

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Source: http://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime/2013/02/18/titanic-fans-eager-for-made-in-china-romance/?mod=WSJBlog

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