বৃহস্পতিবার, ১৪ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৩

?The president had the opportunity in his State of the Union Address to share wi...

?The president had the opportunity in his State of the Union Address to share with Congress and the American people how he plans to solve the most serious challenges our country faces. Unfortunately, the president offered many of the same failed policies that have resulted in record levels of debt and chronically high unemployment. If government spending was the key to prosperity, our economy woul...d be running on all cylinders right now. But after four years of deficits exceeding $1 trillion dollars, more than 23 million Americans are still struggling to find work. Reckless fiscal policy is hurtful in the short-term and will be devastating in the long run. Record deficits ? driven by spending, not lack of revenue ? are standing in the way of much needed economic growth and job creation. Likewise, the best investment we can make for the future is to stop spending money we do not have today. Unsustainable levels of deficit spending will inevitably lead to higher interest rates in the future ? making purchases such as a home, a car and a college education more expensive for everyone and financially out of reach for many. Without spending cuts and entitlement reform, America will remain on the fast-track to fiscal collapse. A debt crisis would be devastating, most of all to the middle class and all those who aspire to be in the middle class. Limited government and free enterprise are fundamental to growing and strengthening the middle class and preserving the American Dream. While tough decisions must be made to avert a debt crisis and put America back on a strong, prosperous path, the solutions are all within reach. That is why, I will continue to fight tooth and nail to restore fiscal sanity in Washington; cut red tape that inhibits job creation; enact comprehensive pro-growth tax reform; and save our entitlement programs for current and future generations.? -Representative Diane Black (R-TN 6th District)See More

Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151423251057290&set=a.10150258659942290.343029.73949382289&type=1

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