সোমবার, ৯ এপ্রিল, ২০১২

Remedies for Best Acne Treatment

Treatment of acne is only possible if you know about the disturbing causes and then your dietary plan must also be in line with your treatment.

Are you depressed of break outs and want instant solution? If yes, then surely you can get relief and instant treatment as well. But in such condition you might to face some systematic disorders like stomach upset and late period?s issues. In order to stay away from the side effects, it better to opt for the natural or home remedies. One of the instant remedy in this context is the usage of the toothpaste before going to bed. This is helpful as it would dry the acne and make it look less prominent. Along with this, daily usage of lemon and orange peel mixed with small amount of water is good. You can use the remedy with the help of the cotton. Also, intake of vitamin A and E is good enough in getting quick relief from the pooping pimples or the acne.

Natural remedies for the best acne treatment can be applied.

Honey can be mixed with cinnamon powder in order to get relief. The method of its usage is that take three table spoon of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply this mixture and leave it overnight. This remedy is required to be followed for at least two weeks as not only acne would go off but also skin would glow as well. Another good remedy is applying lemon juice on the infected area. It can also be mixed with groundnut oil for getting cure. Sandalwood powder can also be added in lemon juice as the mixture would be antibacterial that way. Food with zinc needs to eaten as zinc itself is with antibacterial properties and hence good for curing the acne.

Pricking practice is one of the common one that can lead to promote the acne issue.

Also, washing of the acne infected area too often in a day may also lead to dryness. Wash acne but just for two to three times as your glands producing oils may become dry. Washing with quality face wash is important as it is the better of your skin and more importantly your looks. Avoid too much exposure to sunlight as the skin with acne issue is sensitive and bacteria may get the chance of showing their presence badly. Tight clothing must be avoided as it would not allow your body to breathe properly and may severe the acne issue. Also, you hairs need to be away from your face and always comb them in the direction of your back.

All in all, best acne treatment can only be possible if hormonal changes are under control. Androgens are most often released in the teenage time period and they cause pimples or the acne to appear. Cystic type of the acne is the most severe one and if someone is affected by this type then he or she must consult a good dermatologist.

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