মঙ্গলবার, ১৭ এপ্রিল, ২০১২

HIFU to Treat Prostate Cancer without Side Effects | TopNews ...

As per a recent research, it has been revealed that a new treatment has been developed, which will help prostate cancer patients to avoid the side effects, which occur due to other conventional cancer treatments.

The treatment known as high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) was developed at the University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and University College London. Lead researcher Dr. Hashim Ahmed was of the view that the treatment treats tumor quite closely, and such proximity is not possible in any other treatment.

This closeness helps healthy tissues to remain safe, and also helps them from other probable dangers. It is not the first time that such kind of treatment is used, but it is the first time that the HIFU is used to treat early stages of prostate cancer.

Ahmed said that there are many side effects of traditional treatments and some of them being incontinence, impotence and there can be many other side effects like nerve damage. However, nothing of such kind has been found in the new treatment.

?We?re optimistic that men diagnosed with prostate cancer may soon be able to undergo a day case surgical procedure, which can be safely repeated once or twice, to treat their condition with very few side-effects?, said Ahmed.

He further affirmed that their experiment revealed that nine in ten achieved best results and none of the 41men suffered from incontinence. Moreover, it was found that 95% volunteers were free from cancer after the treatment and only one person suffered from impotence and that too after 12 months.

The procedure is not at all time consuming and patient is released after 24 hours of the surgery. Ahmed said that further trials need to be taken out.

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