শনিবার, ২২ অক্টোবর, ২০১১

Today on New Scientist: 21 October 2011

Photographers tap their wild side to win

It was survival of the fittest for the winners of Wildlife Photographer of the Year, with speedy reactions during Deepwater Horizon bagging the prize

Feedback: Blue whales versus aeroplanes

Bigness blues, proof of time travel in New Zealand literature, and how soon is now?

Astrophile: The sticky star cluster that's mostly black hole

Perched next to a gravitational titan, does a star cluster's mysterious cohesion come from a dense swarm of hidden black holes?

Your clever body: Thinking from head to toe

There's more to your mind than your brain, David Robson discovers - your body plays a part in everything from social savvy to mathematical ability

A better way to price the future takes hold

Disastrous short-term thinking is built into economic models world-wide, but a different approach is changing that

Inside the fusion furnace of California's star chamber

The US National Ignition Facility aims to harness the power of fusion at temperatures and pressures similar to those inside a detonating nuclear warhead

Why the UK buried a world-first carbon-capture scheme

The British government has dealt a body blow to hopes of mitigating global warming by capturing greenhouse gases. But is it fatal, wonders Stuart Haszeldine

Steven Pinker: Humans are less violent than ever

Pessimists, anti-capitalists, conservatives and greens, take note - we are much more peaceful now than we used to be, says the psychologist

Launch of Galileo satellites heralds new era

It is the beginning of the end of Europe's dependence on the US GPS fleet, and a boon for science too

Exotic pets USA: Tigers, big bucks and organised crime

Want pet kangaroos or tiger kittens? Lax laws and a multibillion-dollar trafficking industry mean it's easy to keep exotic animals in the US

Mosquito vs raindrop match video settles urban myths

Do mosquitoes fly in the rain? High-speed video shows how the insects survive a direct hit from a droplet that has 50 times their mass

Grave-robbing robot could revive dead satellites

A DARPA plan to harvest parts from dead satellites would cut the cost of launching new ones

Win a touchscreen watch in our time competition

Clocks for robots or a time-lapse clock face? Help us come up with a new way to represent time to win a touchscreen watch

First icy star-disc hints at source of Earth's water

There seems to be enough frozen water in the alien solar system to fill Earth's oceans thousands of times over

Control a touchscreen with raps, taps and flicks

A new interface lets you use your knuckles and fingernails to control a touchscreen - by listening to the sounds your finger makes

Sceptical climate scientists concede Earth has warmed

A group of sceptical scientists has reanalysed the temperature record for the past two centuries and found that global warming really is happening

Mouse manoeuvres in the dark reveal brain's map links

The cerebellum and hippocampus collaborate to help mice move around under cover of darkness - which might explain how people find the door in a dark room

First Americans hunted mastodons 13,800 years ago

A mastodon skeleton with a bone point embedded in a rib suggests that humans entered America earlier than we thought

Comedian laughs at death in Your Days Are Numbered

In their stand-up comedy show, Your Days are Numbered, Timandra Harkness and Matt Parker bring some levity to the end of life

Source: http://feeds.newscientist.com/c/749/f/10897/s/1976a85a/l/0L0Snewscientist0N0Cblogs0Cshortsharpscience0C20A110C10A0Ctoday0Eon0Enew0Escientist0E210Eocto0E10Bhtml0DDCMP0FOTC0Erss0Gnsref0Fonline0Enews/story01.htm

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