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Tips for Choosing Wood Furniture | Home improvement center

Furniture is a complement of a dwelling house. to look beautiful and comfortable place to live then the election becomes a very important thing. If you intend to buy, then the work is somewhat tricky.

Need foresight and knowledge is quite good with interior design.

The first step taken in selecting the furniture is a ?survey? room in the house. Note the color of the walls, spacious rooms, high ceilings, room accessories and other matters relating to the chosen theme, such as the classic theme, or Mediterranean, or minimalist, or traditional, Balinese and so on.a

In a large room, you can divide the areas into several different areas. A large space can provide many options for interior and furniture design. If too much empty space, there could be the impression of ?cold? at home.

For a small space (the space of 3 x 3 meters is a fairly narrow space), you can use home furniture that seem lightweight and small. Compact design can provide relief effect in the room. Small space can also be impressed if not a lot of stuff and there is a pretty big wall objects, such as painting or photograph that meets one of the walls.

Furniture design can be combined with the wall color. Ideally, the color of furniture is a matching color to paint the walls. When the cream-colored walls of the room, try to color furniture ranges in color matching. You also can choose the colors are more pastel or darker. We recommend that for maximum results, you can use the services of interior designers to organize your space.

For the selection of themes, adjust to the character yourself or your family. A theme reflects the personality of its owner and any arrangement must be consistent. as an example: if you are a busy young man and practical, sometimes you prefer the minimalist design. Certainly not funny when you have a classic chair in a room with a minimalist style.

When you buy furniture from a furniture store, of course, in addition to the model, note also the durability. Here are some tips for you:

? Always read the instructions that came from the shop window. If you find information that contradicts another furniture store, ignore it and still follow the instructions from the makers of furniture design from the store.

? Furniture furniture to be comfortable where dirt and dust accumulation. Stools furniture must be removed before the polish. If not cleaned regularly, this dirt will be piled and mixed with liquid polish and the more difficult to clean and eventually damage the display.

? Clean the dust on your furniture every week with a soft cloth in the wet. This is to prevent the appearance of scratches. Then wash and polish every month.

? For wood furniture, always use protection from hot or cold drinks, and avoid the heat of the sun?s damaging the color and finish. Also do not move anything on it so as not to be scratched.

? Avoid touching the surface of the furniture plant for the moist air is dangerous to your tooling. Always use a pad so as not to scratch

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Source: http://www.birariabavaria.com/tips-for-choosing-wood-furniture.html

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