বুধবার, ৭ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

CarsForAGrand.com: Home Grown PR - Business Opportunities ...

One guy turned his eBay affiliate site CarsForAGrand.com into a monster hit by driving around the country in a beat-up 1974 Pontiac LeMans that he purchased for $899.89 and doing interviews along the way with local television stations. By the end he?d received over 110,000 unique visitors to his website.

Heres?s an example of the coverage he received:

After the jump he shares some secrets to home grown public relations.

marketing public relations
About the Blogger
Business Opportunities Weblog editor and publisher Dane Carlson lives in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, just 15 miles from Yosemite National Park. He accidentally became a professional blogger in 2001. He has added 8,723 posts to the site.
  • http://www.livelifetothefullest.biz Make Money From Home

    What a great concept! You see how easy it is and how close we all are to really striking it big? Just an easy idea away.

  • http://wahm.business-opportunities.biz Angela Shupe

    I can see why he?d do so well. I stopped in to his website and found more than a few cars listed under my zip code. I wish I?d known about it sooner!

  • Rich

    It was a great PR stunt, a 34 year old car with over 100,000 miles on it travels over 3000 miles with no problems.

    Should have signed a deal with General Motors.
    (BTW they are killing the Pontiac brand)

    The fact that he didn?t mention a huge increase in affilliate sales leads me to believe that he had a bunch of looky loos and no buyers.

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