সোমবার, ৪ জুন, ২০১২

Excessive Heat Warning Urges People and Pets to Stay Cool - - 8 ...

LAS VEGAS -- The dangerous temperatures in Southern Nevada Saturday prompted another excessive heat warning from the National Weather Service.

There were some people who did venture out and braved the triple digit heat.

Sharon Peterson and her son Steven were expecting to see at least a few more people at the Desert Breeze Dog Park Saturday afternoon. As it turned out, they were the only ones at the park.

"I would like a colder breeze but it's not as bad as it could get," said Sharon Peterson.

The hot temperatures kept a lot of people and their pets inside.?The Peterson's said they know the dangers of high heat and took precautions.

"We go to the store and grab a cold drink," said 8-year-old, Steven Peterson.

"When we bring [our dogs] to the dog park we definitely water them down that way they have their skin nice and moist so they can keep their energy, and they also drink water. We make sure there's plenty of water so nobody dehydrates," explained Sharon Peterson.

Dogs, just like people, can fall victim to the extreme conditions.

Emergency rooms see patients with symptoms from heat exhaustion to heat stroke and some times the heat can be fatal.

"The number one way people can get heat stroke or get overheated is from lack of hydration," explained Jeanne Cosgrove, RN from Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center.

Medical professionals say drinking water is critical if someone has to go outside.?The heat will zap fluids from your body as your system tries to stay cool.

Children and the elderly are the most at risk of falling victim to the heat.

"For children, parents need to be really careful with their kids, again never leave them unattended in a car. For children, their body temperature can rise two degrees a minute," explained Cosgrove.

Dizziness, rapid heart beat and fainting are all warning signs you could be suffering from a heat-related illness.?Experts say drink water immediately and seek help.

After 30 minutes at the park, Sharon and Steven and their dogs decided to pack it up and head inside.

Caffeinated drinks such as soda and coffee, or alcoholic drinks, can make dehydration even worse.

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